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Thursday, 28 May 2009

MotoMan has announced new software products RobotPro Web Edition, which provides a comprehensive system for preventive maintenance troubleshooting and repair of robots that use MotoMan Company NX-series controllers. The software has a version for each model of robot and arranged in a way that is designed to make it easy for engineers to see and use the interactive to solve the problem. Provide a maintenance schedule that can be printed, and including the installation steps, photos, pictures and schematics to help with motor replacements, lubrication, Servo pack replacement and other repairs and maintenance operations.

Software requires high speed internet connection and web browser. It is available by annual subscription, but available for free evaluation period. Each version of software that is specifically designed to model a robot, but the modules to support additional models are available at a fraction of the cost of initial subscription. Price is not available.

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