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Thursday, 28 May 2009

Ever suspect that someone is poking to your stuff when you're not at home? Or who are not caring for children that you have to do is know-babysitter-what? Spot or just pretends he can not stand on her hind legs, and when you talk about? So you may want to invest in one of the spybots new on the market. (That, or get your head checked.)

Paranoid for casual, spotter Spy Robot Vehicle that will do - it's a small remote-controlled vehicle is mounted with a microphone and transmitter that will be their juicy secrets pipes through walls and around the corner up to 90 feet. Glaring white tank, it may not be smooth, but will get the job done.
For someone who really should be in the know, Rovio is a way to go: it's a webcam-on-wheel which roves about and where you send your video in real time via Wi-Fi. Equipped with a GPS the same as Northstar navigation system that comes with many new car, you can electronically escort thread its way through a special patrol that has been programmed to do so. This includes designating various "way points" (cash box, a secret journal blind, kitty litter box) that will automatically back with one mouse click.

Or if you get a sudden premonition that something fishy is up, just hop on the Internet and control Rovio remotely. Night Rovio is not a problem for both, as the built-in LEDs will light to shine throughout the dark.

Rovio then use your home Internet connection to connect to your mobile phone, computer or even a video game controller, and send video and audio streaming, or theft of your family jewels latest puppy accidents. Or even better, video is not at all.

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